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1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
6 /*
7  * ### IOSAV memory controller interface poking state machine notes ###
8  *
9  * IOSAV brings batch processing to memory training algorithms.
10  *
11  * The hardware is capable of executing a sequence of DRAM commands,
12  * which can be composed of up to four sub-sequences.
13  *
14  * A sub-sequence (from now on, subseq) consists of executing the same
15  * DRAM command for a configurable number of times, with adjustable
16  * delay between the commands, as well as an address auto-increment
17  * value, which is added after a given number of command executions.
18  *
19  * There are four groups of registers in MCHBAR, one for each subseq.
20  * When firing up IOSAV, one needs to specify the number of subseqs it
21  * should use.
22  *
23  * The macros for these registers can take some integer parameters.
24  * Valid values are:
25  * channel: 0..1 or 3 to broadcast to all channels.
26  * index: 0..3
27  * lane: 0..8
28  *
29  * These ranges are inclusive: both upper and lower bounds are valid.
30  *
31  *
32  *
33  * ### Register descriptions ###
34  *
35  * IOSAV_n_SP_CMD_ADDR_ch(channel, index)
36  * Configures the row/column, bank and rank addresses. When a subseq
37  * begins to execute, the address fields define the address of the
38  * first command in the subseq. The address is updated after each
39  * command as configured in the "IOSAV_n_ADDR_UPDATE" registers,
40  * and the updated address is then written back into this register.
41  *
42  * Bitfields:
43  * [15..0] Row / Column Address. Defines the ADDR pins when
44  * issuing a DRAM command.
45  *
46  * [18..16] The number of valid row bits is this value, plus 10.
47  * Note: Value 1 is not implemented.
48  * Value 7 is unsupported, and thus reserved.
49  *
50  * [22..20] Bank select.
51  * [25..24] Rank select. It is later referred to as "ranksel".
52  *
53  * IOSAV_n_ADDR_UPDATE_ch(channel, index)
54  * How the address updates after executing a command in the subseq.
55  *
56  * Bitfields:
57  * [0] Increment row/column address by 1.
58  * [1] Increment row/column address by 8.
59  * [2] Increment bank select by 1.
60  * [4..3] Increment rank select by 1, 2 or 3.
61  * [9..5] Known as "addr_wrap", it limits the address increments.
62  * Address bits will wrap around the [addr_wrap..0] range.
63  *
64  * [11..10] LFSR update:
65  * 00: Do not use the LFSR function.
66  * 01: Undefined, treat as Reserved.
67  * 10: Apply LFSR on the [addr_wrap..0] bit range.
68  * 11: Apply LFSR on the [addr_wrap..3] bit range.
69  *
70  * [15..12] Update rate. The number of command runs between address updates. For example:
71  * 0: Update every command run.
72  * 1: Update every second command run. That is, half of the command rate.
73  * N: Update after N command runs without updates.
74  *
75  * [17..16] LFSR behavior on the deselect cycles (when no subseq command is issued):
76  * 0: No change w.r.t. the last issued command.
77  * 1: LFSR XORs with address & command (excluding CS), but does not update.
78  * 2: LFSR XORs with address & command (excluding CS), and updates.
79  *
80  * IOSAV_n_SP_CMD_CTRL_ch(channel, index)
81  * Configures how the DRAM command lines will be driven in each
82  * command of the subseq.
83  *
84  * Bitfields:
85  * [0] !RAS signal (as driven electrically).
86  * [1] !CAS signal (as driven electrically).
87  * [2] !WE signal (as driven electrically).
88  *
89  * [4] CKE, for DIMM 0 Rank 0.
90  * [5] CKE, for DIMM 0 Rank 1.
91  * [6] CKE, for DIMM 1 Rank 0.
92  * [7] CKE, for DIMM 1 Rank 1.
93  * [11..8] ODT, per DIMM & Rank (same encoding as CKE).
94  * [15..12] Chip select, per DIMM and Rank. It works as follows:
95  *
96  * entity CS_BLOCK is
97  * port (
98  * MODE : in std_logic; -- Mode select at [16]
99  * RANKSEL : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3); -- Decoded "ranksel" value
100  * CS_CTL : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3); -- Chip select control at [15..12]
101  * CS_Q : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3) -- CS signals
102  * );
103  * end entity CS_BLOCK;
104  *
105  * architecture RTL of CS_BLOCK is
106  * begin
107  * if MODE = '1' then
108  * CS_Q <= not RANKSEL and CS_CTL;
109  * else
110  * CS_Q <= CS_CTL;
111  * end if;
112  * end architecture RTL;
113  *
114  * [16] Chip Select mode control.
115  * [17] Auto Precharge. Used to send RDA commands.
116  *
117  * IOSAV_n_SUBSEQ_CTRL_ch(channel, index)
118  * The parameters of the subseq: number of repetitions of the command,
119  * the delay between command executions, wait cycles after completing
120  * this subseq and before the next one, and the data direction of the
121  * command (read, write, neither, or both read and write).
122  *
123  * Bitfields:
124  * [8..0] Number of repetitions of the DRAM command in this subseq.
125  * [14..10] Number of DCLK cycles to wait between two successive DRAM commands.
126  * [24..16] Number of DCLK cycles to idle after this subseq and before the next subseq.
127  * [27..26] The direction of the data:
128  * 00: None (non-data command)
129  * 01: Read
130  * 10: Write
131  * 11: Read & Write
132  *
133  * IOSAV_n_ADDRESS_LFSR_ch(channel, index)
134  * 23-bit LFSR state. It is written into the LFSR when the subseq is
135  * loaded, and then read back from the LFSR when the subseq is done.
136  *
137  * Bitfields:
138  * [22..0] LFSR state.
139  *
140  * IOSAV_SEQ_CTL_ch(channel)
141  * IOSAV full sequence settings: number of subseqs, iterations, stop
142  * on error, maintenance cycles...
143  *
144  * Bitfields:
145  * [7..0] Number of full sequence executions. When this field becomes non-zero, then the
146  * sequence starts running immediately. This value is decremented after completing
147  * a full sequence iteration. When it is zero, the sequence is done. No decrement
148  * is done if this field is set to 0xff. This is the "infinite repeat" mode, and
149  * it is manually aborted by clearing this field.
150  *
151  * [16..8] Number of wait cycles after each sequence iteration. This wait's purpose is to
152  * allow performing maintenance in infinite loops. When non-zero, RCOMP, refresh
153  * and ZQXS operations can take place.
154  *
155  * [17] Stop-on-error mode: Whether to stop sequence execution when an error occurs.
156  * [19..18] Number of subseqs. The programmed value is the index of the last valid subseq.
157  * [20] If set, keep refresh disabled until the next sequence execution.
158  * DANGER: Refresh must be re-enabled within the (9 * tREFI) period!
159  *
160  * [22] If set, sequence execution will not prevent refresh. This cannot be set when
161  * bit [20] is also set, or was set on the previous sequence. This bit exists so
162  * that the sequence machine can be used as a timer without affecting the memory.
163  *
164  * [23] If set, an output pin is asserted on the first detected error. This output can
165  * be used as a trigger for an oscilloscope or a logic analyzer, which is pretty
166  * useful for debugging (if you have the equipment and know where this pin is).
167  *
168  * IOSAV_DATA_CTL_ch(channel)
169  * Data-related controls in IOSAV mode.
170  *
171  * Bitfields:
172  * [7..0] WDB (Write Data Buffer) pattern length: [7..0] = (length / 8) - 1;
173  * [15..8] WDB read pointer. Points at the data used for IOSAV write transactions.
174  * [23..16] Comparison pointer. Used to compare data from IOSAV read transactions.
175  * [24] If set, increment pointers only when micro-breakpoint is active.
176  *
177  * IOSAV_STATUS_ch(channel)
178  * Provides feedback on the state of the IOSAV sequence machine.
179  * Should be polled after submitting an IOSAV sequence for execution.
180  *
181  * Bitfields:
182  * [0] IDLE: IOSAV is sleeping.
183  * [1] BUSY: IOSAV is running a sequence.
184  * [2] DONE: IOSAV has completed a sequence.
185  * [3] ERROR: IOSAV detected an error and stopped on it, when using Stop-on-error.
186  * [4] PANIC: The refresh machine issued a Panic Refresh, and IOSAV was aborted.
187  * [5] RCOMP: RComp failure. Unused, consider Reserved.
188  * [6] Cleared with a new sequence, and set when done and refresh counter is drained.
189  */
191 /*
192  * ### ECC error injection registers ###
193  *
194  * ECC_INJECT_COUNT_ch(channel)
195  * Defines the count of write chunks (64-bit data packets) until the
196  * next ECC error injection. This only seems to apply if the ECC_inject
197  * field in the ECC_DFT register is 110 or 111. The count is of chunks
198  * in order to allow creating ECC errors on different 64-bit chunks.
199  *
200  * Note that this register is only 32-bit.
201  *
202  * ECC_DFT_ch(channel)
203  * Control ECC DFT features, such as ECC4ANA, error inject, etc.
204  *
205  * Bitfields:
206  * [7..0] 8-bit fill value for ECC4ANA function.
207  * [9..8] ECC4ANA trigger:
208  * 00: ECC4ANA is off, no trigger.
209  * 10: Trigger on single-bit or uncorrectable error.
210  * 11: Trigger on uncorrectable error.
211  *
212  * [10] ECC4ANA byte select:
213  * 0: Byte 0
214  * 1: Byte 7
215  *
216  * [13..11] ECC_inject: ECC error inject options:
217  * 000: No ECC error injection.
218  * 100: Inject non-recoverable ECC error on GODLAT indication.
219  * 101: Inject non-recoverable ECC error on ECC_INJ_ADDR_COMPARE reg match.
220  * 110: Reserved.
221  * 111: Inject non-recoverable ECC error on ECC error insertion counter.
222  *
223  * [14] ECC correction disable: when set, the MC reports every error as uncorrectable.
224  * [15] Mark incoming transactions for ECC4ANA based on ECC_INJ_ADDR_COMPARE reg match.
225  *
227  * More chicken bits!
228  *
229  * Bitfields:
230  *
231  * [11] Disable ECC4ANA Bug Fix. WARNING: This register is only for Ivy Bridge!
232  *
233  * MAD_DIMM_ch(channel)
234  * Channel characteristics: number of DIMMs, number of ranks, size,
235  * (enhanced) interleave options and ECC options.
236  *
237  * Bitfields:
238  * [7..0] DIMM A size in 256 MiB units.
239  * [15..8] DIMM B size in 256 MiB units.
240  * [16] Select which of the DIMMs is DIMM A, should be the larger DIMM.
241  * [17] DIMM A number of ranks. (0 => Single Rank, 1 => Dual Rank)
242  * [18] DIMM B number of ranks.
243  * [19] DIMM A DDR chip width. (0 => x8, 1 => x16)
244  * [20] DIMM B DDR chip width.
245  * [21] Enable Rank Interleave.
246  * [22] Enable Enhanced Rank Interleave.
247  * [25..24] ECC control:
248  * 00: No ECC.
249  * 01: ECC is active in IO, ECC logic is not active. Used with IOSAV training.
250  * 10: ECC is disabled in IO, but ECC logic is enabled. Used with ECC4ANA mode.
251  * 11: ECC active in both IO and ECC logic.
252  *
254  *
255  * Address compare for ECC error inject. Error injection is issued when
256  * ECC_INJ_ADDR_COMPARE[31..0] = ADDR[37..6] & ECC_INJ_ADDR_MASK[31..0].
257  *
258  * MC_LOCK
259  *
260  * Locking of MC registers. Each bit locks one group of registers.
261  *
262  * Bitfields:
263  * [0] Lock all the address map registers.
264  * [1] Lock all the MC configuration registers including MCIO.
265  * [2] Lock all IOSAV and Init registers.
266  * [3] Lock all power management registers.
267  * [7] Lock all DFT features.
268  */
270 /* Indexed register helper macros */
271 #define Gz(r, z) ((r) + ((z) << 8))
272 #define Ly(r, y) ((r) + ((y) << 2))
273 #define Cx(r, x) ((r) + ((x) << 10))
274 #define CxLy(r, x, y) ((r) + ((x) << 10) + ((y) << 2))
275 #define GzLy(r, z, y) ((r) + ((z) << 8) + ((y) << 2))
277 /* Byte lane training register base addresses */
278 #define LANEBASE_B0 0x0000
279 #define LANEBASE_B1 0x0200
280 #define LANEBASE_B2 0x0400
281 #define LANEBASE_B3 0x0600
282 #define LANEBASE_ECC 0x0800 /* ECC lane is in the middle of the data lanes */
283 #define LANEBASE_B4 0x1000
284 #define LANEBASE_B5 0x1200
285 #define LANEBASE_B6 0x1400
286 #define LANEBASE_B7 0x1600
288 /* Byte lane register offsets */
289 #define GDCRTRAININGRESULT(ch, y) GzLy(0x0004, ch, y) /* Test results for PI config */
290 #define GDCRTRAININGRESULT1(ch) GDCRTRAININGRESULT(ch, 0) /* 0x0004 */
291 #define GDCRTRAININGRESULT2(ch) GDCRTRAININGRESULT(ch, 1) /* 0x0008 */
292 #define GDCRRX(ch, rank) GzLy(0x10, ch, rank) /* Time setting for lane Rx */
293 #define GDCRTX(ch, rank) GzLy(0x20, ch, rank) /* Time setting for lane Tx */
295 /* Register definitions */
296 #define GDCRCLKRANKSUSED_ch(ch) Gz(0x0c00, ch) /* Indicates which rank is populated */
297 #define GDCRCLKCOMP_ch(ch) Gz(0x0c04, ch) /* RCOMP result register */
298 #define GDCRCKPICODE_ch(ch) Gz(0x0c14, ch) /* PI coding for DDR CLK pins */
299 #define GDCRCKLOGICDELAY_ch(ch) Gz(0x0c18, ch) /* Logic delay of 1 QCLK in CLK slice */
300 #define GDDLLFUSE_ch(ch) Gz(0x0c20, ch) /* Used for fuse download to the DLLs */
301 #define GDCRCLKDEBUGMUXCFG_ch(ch) Gz(0x0c3c, ch) /* Debug MUX control */
303 #define GDCRCMDDEBUGMUXCFG_Cz_S(ch) Gz(0x0e3c, ch) /* Debug MUX control */
305 #define CRCOMPOFST1_ch(ch) Gz(0x1810, ch) /* DQ, CTL and CLK Offset values */
307 #define GDCRTRAININGMOD_ch(ch) Gz(0x3000, ch) /* Data training mode control */
308 #define GDCRTRAININGRESULT1_ch(ch) Gz(0x3004, ch) /* Training results according to PI */
309 #define GDCRTRAININGRESULT2_ch(ch) Gz(0x3008, ch)
311 #define GDCRCTLRANKSUSED_ch(ch) Gz(0x3200, ch) /* Indicates which rank is populated */
312 #define GDCRCMDCOMP_ch(ch) Gz(0x3204, ch) /* COMP values register */
313 #define GDCRCMDCTLCOMP_ch(ch) Gz(0x3208, ch) /* COMP values register */
314 #define GDCRCMDPICODING_ch(ch) Gz(0x320c, ch) /* Command and control PI coding */
316 #define GDCRTRAININGMOD 0x3400 /* Data training mode control register */
317 #define GDCRDATACOMP 0x340c /* COMP values register */
319 #define CRCOMPOFST2 0x3714 /* CMD DRV, SComp and Static Leg controls */
321 /*
322  * The register bank that would correspond to Channel 3 are actually "broadcast" registers.
323  * They can be used to write values to all channels. Use this macro instead of a literal '3'.
324  */
325 #define BROADCAST_CH 3
327 /* MC per-channel registers */
328 #define TC_DBP_ch(ch) Cx(0x4000, ch) /* Timings: BIN */
329 #define TC_RAP_ch(ch) Cx(0x4004, ch) /* Timings: Regular access */
330 #define TC_RWP_ch(ch) Cx(0x4008, ch) /* Timings: Read / Write */
331 #define TC_OTHP_ch(ch) Cx(0x400c, ch) /* Timings: Other parameters */
333 /** WARNING: Only applies to Ivy Bridge! */
334 #define TC_DTP_ch(ch) Cx(0x4014, ch) /** Timings: Debug parameters */
336 #define SCHED_SECOND_CBIT_ch(ch) Cx(0x401c, ch) /* More chicken bits */
337 #define SCHED_CBIT_ch(ch) Cx(0x4020, ch) /* Chicken bits in scheduler */
338 #define SC_ROUNDT_LAT_ch(ch) Cx(0x4024, ch) /* Round-trip latency per rank */
339 #define SC_IO_LATENCY_ch(ch) Cx(0x4028, ch) /* IO Latency Configuration */
340 #define SCRAMBLING_SEED_1_ch(ch) Cx(0x4034, ch) /* Scrambling seed 1 */
341 #define SCRAMBLING_SEED_2_LO_ch(ch) Cx(0x4038, ch) /* Scrambling seed 2 low */
342 #define SCRAMBLING_SEED_2_HI_ch(ch) Cx(0x403c, ch) /* Scrambling seed 2 high */
344 /* IOSAV Bytelane Bit-wise error */
345 #define IOSAV_By_BW_SERROR_ch(ch, y) CxLy(0x4040, ch, y)
347 /* IOSAV Bytelane Bit-wise compare mask */
348 #define IOSAV_By_BW_MASK_ch(ch, y) CxLy(0x4080, ch, y)
350 /*
351  * Defines the number of transactions (non-VC1 RD CAS commands) between two priority ticks.
352  * Different counters for transactions that are issued on the ring agents (core or GT) and
353  * transactions issued in the SA.
354  */
355 #define SC_PR_CNT_CONFIG_ch(ch) Cx(0x40a8, ch)
356 #define SC_PCIT_ch(ch) Cx(0x40ac, ch) /* Page-close idle timer setup - 8 bits */
357 #define PM_PDWN_CONFIG_ch(ch) Cx(0x40b0, ch) /* Power-down (CKE-off) operation config */
358 #define ECC_INJECT_COUNT_ch(ch) Cx(0x40b4, ch) /* ECC error injection count */
359 #define ECC_DFT_ch(ch) Cx(0x40b8, ch) /* ECC DFT features (ECC4ANA, error inject) */
360 #define SC_WR_ADD_DELAY_ch(ch) Cx(0x40d0, ch) /* Extra WR delay to overcome WR-flyby issue */
362 #define IOSAV_By_BW_SERROR_C_ch(ch, y) CxLy(0x4140, ch, y) /* IOSAV Bytelane Bit-wise error */
364 /* IOSAV sub-sequence control registers */
365 #define IOSAV_n_SP_CMD_ADDR_ch(ch, y) CxLy(0x4200, ch, y) /* Special command address. */
366 #define IOSAV_n_ADDR_UPDATE_ch(ch, y) CxLy(0x4210, ch, y) /* Address update control */
367 #define IOSAV_n_SP_CMD_CTRL_ch(ch, y) CxLy(0x4220, ch, y) /* Control of command signals */
368 #define IOSAV_n_SUBSEQ_CTRL_ch(ch, y) CxLy(0x4230, ch, y) /* Sub-sequence controls */
369 #define IOSAV_n_ADDRESS_LFSR_ch(ch, y) CxLy(0x4240, ch, y) /* 23-bit LFSR state value */
371 #define PM_THML_STAT_ch(ch) Cx(0x4280, ch) /* Thermal status of each rank */
372 #define IOSAV_SEQ_CTL_ch(ch) Cx(0x4284, ch) /* IOSAV sequence level control */
373 #define IOSAV_DATA_CTL_ch(ch) Cx(0x4288, ch) /* Data control in IOSAV mode */
374 #define IOSAV_STATUS_ch(ch) Cx(0x428c, ch) /* State of the IOSAV sequence machine */
375 #define TC_ZQCAL_ch(ch) Cx(0x4290, ch) /* ZQCAL control register */
376 #define TC_RFP_ch(ch) Cx(0x4294, ch) /* Refresh Parameters */
377 #define TC_RFTP_ch(ch) Cx(0x4298, ch) /* Refresh Timing Parameters */
378 #define TC_MR2_SHADOW_ch(ch) Cx(0x429c, ch) /* MR2 shadow - copy of DDR configuration */
379 #define MC_INIT_STATE_ch(ch) Cx(0x42a0, ch) /* IOSAV mode control */
380 #define TC_SRFTP_ch(ch) Cx(0x42a4, ch) /* Self-refresh timing parameters */
381 #define IOSAV_ERROR_ch(ch) Cx(0x42ac, ch) /* Data vector count of the first error */
382 #define IOSAV_DC_MASK_ch(ch) Cx(0x42b0, ch) /* IOSAV data check masking */
384 #define IOSAV_By_ERROR_COUNT_ch(ch, y) CxLy(0x4340, ch, y) /* Per-byte 16-bit error count */
385 #define IOSAV_G_ERROR_COUNT_ch(ch) Cx(0x4364, ch) /* Global 16-bit error count */
387 /** WARNING: Only applies to Ivy Bridge! */
388 #define IOSAV_BYTE_SERROR_ch(ch) Cx(0x4368, ch) /** Byte-Wise Sticky Error */
389 #define IOSAV_BYTE_SERROR_C_ch(ch) Cx(0x436c, ch) /** Byte-Wise Sticky Error Clear */
391 #define PM_TRML_M_CONFIG_ch(ch) Cx(0x4380, ch) /* Thermal mode configuration */
392 #define PM_CMD_PWR_ch(ch) Cx(0x4384, ch) /* Power contribution of commands */
393 #define PM_BW_LIMIT_CONFIG_ch(ch) Cx(0x4388, ch) /* Bandwidth throttling on overtemp */
394 #define SC_WDBWM_ch(ch) Cx(0x438c, ch) /* Watermarks and starvation counter */
396 /* MC Channel Broadcast registers */
397 #define TC_DBP 0x4c00 /* Timings: BIN */
398 #define TC_RAP 0x4c04 /* Timings: Regular access */
399 #define TC_RWP 0x4c08 /* Timings: Read / Write */
400 #define TC_OTHP 0x4c0c /* Timings: Other parameters */
402 /** WARNING: Only applies to Ivy Bridge! */
403 #define TC_DTP 0x4c14 /** Timings: Debug parameters */
405 #define SCHED_SECOND_CBIT 0x4c1c /* More chicken bits */
406 #define SCHED_CBIT 0x4c20 /* Chicken bits in scheduler */
407 #define SC_ROUNDT_LAT 0x4c24 /* Round-trip latency per rank */
408 #define SC_IO_LATENCY 0x4c28 /* IO Latency Configuration */
409 #define SCRAMBLING_SEED_1 0x4c34 /* Scrambling seed 1 */
410 #define SCRAMBLING_SEED_2_LO 0x4c38 /* Scrambling seed 2 low */
411 #define SCRAMBLING_SEED_2_HI 0x4c3c /* Scrambling seed 2 high */
413 #define IOSAV_By_BW_SERROR(y) Ly(0x4c40, y) /* IOSAV Bytelane Bit-wise error */
414 #define IOSAV_By_BW_MASK(y) Ly(0x4c80, y) /* IOSAV Bytelane Bit-wise compare mask */
416 /*
417  * Defines the number of transactions (non-VC1 RD CAS commands) between two priority ticks.
418  * Different counters for transactions that are issued on the ring agents (core or GT) and
419  * transactions issued in the SA.
420  */
421 #define SC_PR_CNT_CONFIG 0x4ca8
422 #define SC_PCIT 0x4cac /* Page-close idle timer setup - 8 bits */
423 #define PM_PDWN_CONFIG 0x4cb0 /* Power-down (CKE-off) operation config */
424 #define ECC_INJECT_COUNT 0x4cb4 /* ECC error injection count */
425 #define ECC_DFT 0x4cb8 /* ECC DFT features (ECC4ANA, error inject) */
426 #define SC_WR_ADD_DELAY 0x4cd0 /* Extra WR delay to overcome WR-flyby issue */
428 /** Opportunistic reads configuration during write-major-mode (WMM) */
429 #define WMM_READ_CONFIG 0x4cd4 /** WARNING: Only exists on IVB! */
431 #define IOSAV_By_BW_SERROR_C(y) Ly(0x4d40, y) /* IOSAV Bytelane Bit-wise error */
433 #define PM_THML_STAT 0x4e80 /* Thermal status of each rank */
434 #define IOSAV_SEQ_CTL 0x4e84 /* IOSAV sequence level control */
435 #define IOSAV_DATA_CTL 0x4e88 /* Data control in IOSAV mode */
436 #define IOSAV_STATUS 0x4e8c /* State of the IOSAV sequence machine */
437 #define TC_ZQCAL 0x4e90 /* ZQCAL control register */
438 #define TC_RFP 0x4e94 /* Refresh Parameters */
439 #define TC_RFTP 0x4e98 /* Refresh Timing Parameters */
440 #define TC_MR2_SHADOW 0x4e9c /* MR2 shadow - copy of DDR configuration */
441 #define MC_INIT_STATE 0x4ea0 /* IOSAV mode control */
442 #define TC_SRFTP 0x4ea4 /* Self-refresh timing parameters */
444 /**
445  * Auxiliary register in mcmnts synthesis FUB (Functional Unit Block). Additionally, this
446  * register is also used to enable IOSAV_n_SP_CMD_ADDR optimization on Ivy Bridge.
447  */
448 #define MCMNTS_SPARE 0x4ea8 /** WARNING: Reserved, use only on IVB! */
450 #define IOSAV_ERROR 0x4eac /* Data vector count of the first error */
451 #define IOSAV_DC_MASK 0x4eb0 /* IOSAV data check masking */
453 #define IOSAV_By_ERROR_COUNT(y) Ly(0x4f40, y) /* Per-byte 16-bit error counter */
454 #define IOSAV_G_ERROR_COUNT 0x4f64 /* Global 16-bit error counter */
456 /** WARNING: Only applies to Ivy Bridge! */
457 #define IOSAV_BYTE_SERROR 0x4f68 /** Byte-Wise Sticky Error */
458 #define IOSAV_BYTE_SERROR_C 0x4f6c /** Byte-Wise Sticky Error Clear */
460 #define PM_TRML_M_CONFIG 0x4f80 /* Thermal mode configuration */
461 #define PM_CMD_PWR 0x4f84 /* Power contribution of commands */
462 #define PM_BW_LIMIT_CONFIG 0x4f88 /* Bandwidth throttling on overtemperature */
463 #define SC_WDBWM 0x4f8c /* Watermarks and starvation counter config */
465 /* No, there's no need to get mad about the Memory Address Decoder */
466 #define MAD_CHNL 0x5000 /* Address Decoder Channel Configuration */
467 #define MAD_DIMM(ch) Ly(0x5004, ch) /* Channel characteristics */
468 #define MAD_DIMM_CH0 MAD_DIMM(0) /* Channel 0 is at 0x5004 */
469 #define MAD_DIMM_CH1 MAD_DIMM(1) /* Channel 1 is at 0x5008 */
470 #define MAD_DIMM_CH2 MAD_DIMM(2) /* Channel 2 is at 0x500c (unused on SNB) */
472 #define MAD_ZR 0x5014 /* Address Decode Zones */
473 #define MCDECS_SPARE 0x5018 /* Spare register in mcdecs synthesis FUB */
474 #define MCDECS_CBIT 0x501c /* Chicken bits in mcdecs synthesis FUB */
476 #define CHANNEL_HASH 0x5024 /** WARNING: Only exists on IVB! */
478 #define MC_INIT_STATE_G 0x5030 /* High-level behavior in IOSAV mode */
479 #define MRC_REVISION 0x5034 /* MRC Revision */
480 #define PM_DLL_CONFIG 0x5064 /* Memory Controller I/O DLL config */
481 #define RCOMP_TIMER 0x5084 /* RCOMP evaluation timer register */
483 #define ECC_INJ_ADDR_COMPARE 0x5090 /* Address compare for ECC error inject */
484 #define ECC_INJ_ADDR_MASK 0x5094 /* Address mask for ECC error inject */
486 #define MC_LOCK 0x50fc /* Memory Controller Lock register */
488 #define GFXVTBAR 0x5400 /* Base address for IGD */
489 #define VTVC0BAR 0x5410 /* Base address for PEG, USB, SATA, etc. */
491 /* On Ivy Bridge, this is used to enable Power Aware Interrupt Routing */
492 #define INTRDIRCTL 0x5418 /* Interrupt Redirection Control */
494 /* PAVP message register. Bit 0 locks PAVP settings, and bits [31..20] are an offset. */
495 #define PAVP_MSG 0x5500
499 #define MEM_TRML_INTERRUPT 0x58a8
501 /* Some power MSRs are also represented in MCHBAR */
502 #define MCH_PKG_POWER_LIMIT_LO 0x59a0 /* Turbo Power Limit 1 parameters */
503 #define MCH_PKG_POWER_LIMIT_HI 0x59a4 /* Turbo Power Limit 2 parameters */
505 #define SSKPD 0x5d10 /* 64-bit scratchpad register */
506 #define SSKPD_HI 0x5d14
507 #define BIOS_RESET_CPL 0x5da8 /* 8-bit */
509 /* PCODE will sample SAPM-related registers at the end of Phase 4. */
510 #define MC_BIOS_REQ 0x5e00 /* Memory frequency request register */
511 #define MC_BIOS_DATA 0x5e04 /* Miscellaneous information for BIOS */
512 #define SAPMCTL 0x5f00 /* Bit 3 enables DDR EPG (C7i) on IVB */
513 #define M_COMP 0x5f08 /* Memory COMP control */
514 #define SAPMTIMERS 0x5f10 /* SAPM timers in 10ns (100 MHz) units */
516 /* WARNING: Only applies to Sandy Bridge! */
517 #define BANDTIMERS_SNB 0x5f18 /* MPLL and PPLL time to do self-banding */
519 /** WARNING: Only applies to Ivy Bridge! */
520 #define SAPMTIMERS2_IVB 0x5f18 /** Extra latency for DDRIO EPG exit (C7i) */
521 #define BANDTIMERS_IVB 0x5f20 /** MPLL and PPLL time to do self-banding */
523 /* Finalize registers. The names come from Haswell, as the finalize sequence is the same. */
524 #define HDAUDRID 0x6008
525 #define UMAGFXCTL 0x6020
526 #define VDMBDFBARKVM 0x6030
527 #define VDMBDFBARPAVP 0x6034
528 #define VTDTRKLCK 0x63fc
529 #define REQLIM 0x6800
530 #define DMIVCLIM 0x7000
531 #define PEGCTL 0x7010 /* Bit 0 is PCIPWRGAT (clock gate all PEG controllers) */
532 #define CRDTCTL3 0x740c /* Minimum completion credits for PCIe/DMI */
533 #define CRDTCTL4 0x7410 /* Read Return Tracker credits */
534 #define CRDTLCK 0x77fc