coreboot is an Open Source project aimed at replacing the proprietary BIOS found in most computers.
post_codes.h File Reference
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 Entry into 'crt0.s'. More...
 Entry into protected mode. More...
 Start copying coreboot to RAM with decompression if compressed. More...
 Copy/decompression finished; jumping to RAM. More...
#define POST_ENTRY_C_START   0x13
 Entry into c_start. More...
 Pre-memory init preparation start. More...
 Pre-memory init preparation end. More...
#define POST_CONSOLE_READY   0x39
 Console is initialized. More...
#define POST_CONSOLE_BOOT_MSG   0x40
 Console boot message succeeded. More...
#define POST_ENABLING_CACHE   0x60
 Before enabling the cache. More...
 Pre call to RAM stage main() More...
 Entry into coreboot in RAM stage main() More...
#define POST_BS_PRE_DEVICE   0x70
 Before Device Probe. More...
#define POST_BS_DEV_INIT_CHIPS   0x71
 Initializing Chips. More...
#define POST_BS_DEV_ENUMERATE   0x72
 Starting Device Enumeration. More...
#define POST_BS_DEV_RESOURCES   0x73
 Device Resource Allocation. More...
#define POST_BS_DEV_ENABLE   0x74
 Device Enable. More...
#define POST_BS_DEV_INIT   0x75
 Device Initialization. More...
#define POST_BS_POST_DEVICE   0x76
 After Device Probe. More...
#define POST_BS_OS_RESUME_CHECK   0x77
 OS Resume Check. More...
#define POST_BS_OS_RESUME   0x78
 OS Resume. More...
#define POST_BS_WRITE_TABLES   0x79
 Write Tables. More...
#define POST_BS_PAYLOAD_LOAD   0x7a
 Load Payload. More...
#define POST_BS_PAYLOAD_BOOT   0x7b
 Boot Payload. More...
 Before calling FSP Notify (end of firmware) More...
 After calling FSP Notify (end of firmware) More...
#define POST_FSP_TEMP_RAM_INIT   0x90
 Before calling FSP TempRamInit. More...
#define POST_FSP_TEMP_RAM_EXIT   0x91
 Before calling FSP TempRamExit. More...
#define POST_FSP_MEMORY_INIT   0x92
 Before calling FSP MemoryInit. More...
#define POST_FSP_SILICON_INIT   0x93
 Before calling FSP SiliconInit. More...
 Before calling FSP Notify (after PCI enumeration) More...
 Before calling FSP Notify (ready to boot) More...
#define POST_OS_ENTER_PTS   0x96
 Indicate OS _PTS entry. More...
#define POST_OS_ENTER_WAKE   0x97
 Indicate OS _WAK entry. More...
#define POST_FSP_MEMORY_EXIT   0x98
 After calling FSP MemoryInit. More...
#define POST_FSP_SILICON_EXIT   0x99
 After calling FSP SiliconInit. More...
 Before calling FSP Multiphase SiliconInit. More...
 After calling FSP Multiphase SiliconInit. More...
 After calling FSP Notify (after PCI enumeration) More...
 After calling FSP Notify (ready to boot) More...
#define POST_INVALID_ROM   0xe0
 Invalid or corrupt ROM. More...
#define POST_INVALID_CBFS   0xe1
 Invalid or corrupt CBFS. More...
 Vendor binary error. More...
#define POST_RAM_FAILURE   0xe3
 RAM failure. More...
#define POST_HW_INIT_FAILURE   0xe4
 Hardware initialization failure. More...
#define POST_VIDEO_FAILURE   0xe5
 Video failure. More...
#define POST_TPM_FAILURE   0xed
 TPM failure. More...
#define POST_DEAD_CODE   0xee
 Not supposed to get here. More...
#define POST_RESUME_FAILURE   0xef
 Resume from suspend failed. More...
 Jumping to payload. More...
#define POST_ENTER_ELF_BOOT   0xf8
 Entry into elf boot. More...
#define POST_OS_RESUME   0xfd
 Final code before OS resumes. More...
#define POST_OS_BOOT   0xfe
 Final code before OS boots. More...
#define POST_DIE   0xff
 Elfload fail or die() called. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define POST_BS_DEV_ENABLE   0x74

Device Enable.

Boot State Machine: bs_dev_enable()

Definition at line 155 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_BS_DEV_ENUMERATE   0x72

Starting Device Enumeration.

Boot State Machine: bs_dev_enumerate()

Definition at line 141 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_BS_DEV_INIT   0x75

Device Initialization.

Boot State Machine: bs_dev_init()

Definition at line 162 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_BS_DEV_INIT_CHIPS   0x71

Initializing Chips.

Boot State Machine: bs_dev_init_chips()

Definition at line 134 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_BS_DEV_RESOURCES   0x73

Device Resource Allocation.

Boot State Machine: bs_dev_resources()

Definition at line 148 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_BS_OS_RESUME   0x78

OS Resume.

Boot State Machine: bs_os_resume()

Definition at line 183 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_BS_OS_RESUME_CHECK   0x77

OS Resume Check.

Boot State Machine: bs_os_resume_check()

Definition at line 176 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_BS_PAYLOAD_BOOT   0x7b

Boot Payload.

Boot State Machine: bs_payload_boot()

Definition at line 204 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_BS_PAYLOAD_LOAD   0x7a

Load Payload.

Boot State Machine: bs_payload_load()

Definition at line 197 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_BS_POST_DEVICE   0x76

After Device Probe.

Boot State Machine: bs_post_device()

Definition at line 169 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_BS_PRE_DEVICE   0x70

Before Device Probe.

Boot State Machine: bs_pre_device()

Definition at line 127 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_BS_WRITE_TABLES   0x79

Write Tables.

Boot State Machine: bs_write_tables()

Definition at line 190 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_CONSOLE_BOOT_MSG   0x40

Console boot message succeeded.

First console message has been successfully sent through the console backend driver.

Definition at line 98 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_CONSOLE_READY   0x39

Console is initialized.

The console is initialized and is ready for usage

Definition at line 90 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_DEAD_CODE   0xee

Not supposed to get here.

A function that should not have returned, returned

Check the console output for details.

Definition at line 376 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_DIE   0xff

Elfload fail or die() called.

coreboot was not able to load the payload, no payload was detected or die() was called.
If this code appears before entering ramstage, then most likely ramstage is corrupted, and reflashing of the ROM chip is needed.
If this code appears after ramstage, there is a problem with the payload If the payload was built out-of-tree, check that it was compiled as a coreboot payload
Check the console output to see exactly where the failure occurred.

Definition at line 431 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_ENABLING_CACHE   0x60

Before enabling the cache.

Going to enable the cache

Definition at line 105 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_ENTER_ELF_BOOT   0xf8

Entry into elf boot.

This POST code is called right before invoking jmp_to_elf_entry() jmp_to_elf_entry() invokes the payload, and should never return

Definition at line 400 of file post_codes.h.



Entry into protected mode.

Preparing to enter protected mode. This is POSTed right before changing to protected mode.

Definition at line 45 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_ENTRY_C_START   0x13

Entry into c_start.

c_start.S is the first code executing in ramstage.

Definition at line 67 of file post_codes.h.



Entry into coreboot in RAM stage main()

This is the first call in hardwaremain.c. If this code is POSTed, then ramstage has successfully loaded and started executing.

Definition at line 120 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_FSP_MEMORY_EXIT   0x98

After calling FSP MemoryInit.

FSP binary returned from MemoryInit phase

Definition at line 281 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_FSP_MEMORY_INIT   0x92

Before calling FSP MemoryInit.

Going to call into FSP binary for MemoryInit phase

Definition at line 239 of file post_codes.h.



Before calling FSP Multiphase SiliconInit.

Going to call into FSP binary for Multiple phase SI Init

Definition at line 295 of file post_codes.h.



After calling FSP Multiphase SiliconInit.

FSP binary returned from Multiple phase SI Init

Definition at line 302 of file post_codes.h.



After calling FSP Notify (end of firmware)

Going to call into FSP binary for Notify phase (end of firmware)

Definition at line 218 of file post_codes.h.



After calling FSP Notify (after PCI enumeration)

Going to call into FSP binary for Notify phase (after PCI enumeration)

Definition at line 309 of file post_codes.h.



After calling FSP Notify (ready to boot)

Going to call into FSP binary for Notify phase (ready to boot)

Definition at line 316 of file post_codes.h.



Before calling FSP Notify (end of firmware)

Going to call into FSP binary for Notify phase (end of firmware)

Definition at line 211 of file post_codes.h.



Before calling FSP Notify (after PCI enumeration)

Going to call into FSP binary for Notify phase (after PCI enumeration)

Definition at line 253 of file post_codes.h.



Before calling FSP Notify (ready to boot)

Going to call into FSP binary for Notify phase (ready to boot)

Definition at line 260 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_FSP_SILICON_EXIT   0x99

After calling FSP SiliconInit.

FSP binary returned from SiliconInit phase

Definition at line 288 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_FSP_SILICON_INIT   0x93

Before calling FSP SiliconInit.

Going to call into FSP binary for SiliconInit phase

Definition at line 246 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_FSP_TEMP_RAM_EXIT   0x91

Before calling FSP TempRamExit.

Going to call into FSP binary for TempRamExit phase

Definition at line 232 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_FSP_TEMP_RAM_INIT   0x90

Before calling FSP TempRamInit.

Going to call into FSP binary for TempRamInit phase

Definition at line 225 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_HW_INIT_FAILURE   0xe4

Hardware initialization failure.

Set when a required hardware component was not found or is unsupported.

Definition at line 353 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_INVALID_CBFS   0xe1

Invalid or corrupt CBFS.

Set if firmware failed to find or validate a resource that is stored in CBFS.

Definition at line 330 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_INVALID_ROM   0xe0

Invalid or corrupt ROM.

Set if firmware failed to find or validate a resource that is stored in ROM.

Definition at line 323 of file post_codes.h.



Vendor binary error.

Set if firmware failed to find or validate a vendor binary, or the binary generated a fatal error.

Definition at line 338 of file post_codes.h.



Jumping to payload.

Called right before jumping to a payload. If the boot sequence stops with this code, chances are the payload freezes.

Definition at line 392 of file post_codes.h.



Pre-memory init preparation end.

Post code emitted in romstage after returning from SoC/mainboard callbacks to prepare params for FSP memory init.

Definition at line 83 of file post_codes.h.



Pre-memory init preparation start.

Post code emitted in romstage before making callbacks to allow SoC/mainboard to prepare params for FSP memory init.

Definition at line 75 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_OS_BOOT   0xfe

Final code before OS boots.

This may not be called depending on the payload used.

Definition at line 414 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_OS_ENTER_PTS   0x96

Indicate OS _PTS entry.

Called from _PTS asl method

Definition at line 267 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_OS_ENTER_WAKE   0x97

Indicate OS _WAK entry.

Called from within _WAK method

Definition at line 274 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_OS_RESUME   0xfd

Final code before OS resumes.

Called right before jumping to the OS resume vector.

Definition at line 407 of file post_codes.h.



Pre call to RAM stage main()

POSTed right before RAM stage main() is called from c_start.S

Definition at line 112 of file post_codes.h.



Start copying coreboot to RAM with decompression if compressed.

POSTed before ramstage is about to be loaded into memory

Definition at line 52 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_RAM_FAILURE   0xe3

RAM failure.

Set if RAM could not be initialized. This includes RAM is missing, unsupported RAM configuration, or RAM failure.

Definition at line 346 of file post_codes.h.



Copy/decompression finished; jumping to RAM.

This is called after ramstage is loaded in memory, and before the code jumps there. This represents the end of romstage.

Definition at line 60 of file post_codes.h.



Entry into 'crt0.s'.

reset code jumps to here

First instruction that gets executed after the reset vector jumps. This indicates that the reset vector points to the correct code segment.

Definition at line 37 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_RESUME_FAILURE   0xef

Resume from suspend failed.

This post code is sent when the firmware is expected to resume it is unable to do so.

Definition at line 384 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_TPM_FAILURE   0xed

TPM failure.

An error with the TPM, either unexpected state or communications failure.

Definition at line 367 of file post_codes.h.


#define POST_VIDEO_FAILURE   0xe5

Video failure.

Video subsystem failed to initialize.

Definition at line 360 of file post_codes.h.