coreboot is an Open Source project aimed at replacing the proprietary BIOS found in most computers.
addressmap.h File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


#define AOSS_CC_BASE   0x0C2A0000
#define GCC_BASE   0x00100000
#define QSPI_BASE   0x088DC000
#define TLMM_NORTH_TILE_BASE   0x03900000
#define TLMM_SOUTH_TILE_BASE   0x03D00000
#define TLMM_WEST_TILE_BASE   0x03500000
#define SILVER_PLL_BASE   0x18280000
#define L3_PLL_BASE   0x18284000
#define DISP_CC_BASE   0x0AF00000
#define QUP_SERIAL0_BASE   0x00880000
#define QUP_SERIAL1_BASE   0x00884000
#define QUP_SERIAL2_BASE   0x00888000
#define QUP_SERIAL3_BASE   0x0088C000
#define QUP_SERIAL4_BASE   0x00890000
#define QUP_SERIAL5_BASE   0x00894000
#define QUP_WRAP0_BASE   0x008C0000
#define QUP_SERIAL6_BASE   0x00A80000
#define QUP_SERIAL7_BASE   0x00A84000
#define QUP_SERIAL8_BASE   0x00A88000
#define QUP_SERIAL9_BASE   0x00A8C000
#define QUP_SERIAL10_BASE   0x00A90000
#define QUP_SERIAL11_BASE   0x00A94000
#define QUP_WRAP1_BASE   0x00AC0000
#define QFPROM_BASE   0x00780000
#define QUSB_PRIM_PHY_BASE   0x088e3000
#define QUSB_PRIM_PHY_DIG_BASE   0x088e3200
#define QMP_PHY_QSERDES_COM_REG_BASE   0x088e9000
#define QMP_PHY_QSERDES_TX_REG_BASE   0x088e9200
#define QMP_PHY_QSERDES_RX_REG_BASE   0x088e9400
#define QMP_PHY_PCS_REG_BASE   0x088e9c00
#define USB_HOST_DWC3_BASE   0x0a60c100
#define QSPI_CLK   GPIO(63)
#define QSPI_DATA_0   GPIO(64)
#define QSPI_DATA_1   GPIO(65)
#define QSPI_CS   GPIO(68)
#define SDC1_TLMM_CFG_ADDR   0x03D7A000
#define SDC2_TLMM_CFG_ADDR   0x03D7B000

Macro Definition Documentation


#define AOSS_CC_BASE   0x0C2A0000

Definition at line 6 of file addressmap.h.


#define DISP_CC_BASE   0x0AF00000

Definition at line 14 of file addressmap.h.


#define GCC_BASE   0x00100000

Definition at line 7 of file addressmap.h.



Definition at line 57 of file addressmap.h.



Definition at line 55 of file addressmap.h.



Definition at line 56 of file addressmap.h.


#define L3_PLL_BASE   0x18284000

Definition at line 13 of file addressmap.h.


#define QFPROM_BASE   0x00780000

Definition at line 40 of file addressmap.h.


#define QMP_PHY_PCS_REG_BASE   0x088e9c00

Definition at line 46 of file addressmap.h.


#define QMP_PHY_QSERDES_COM_REG_BASE   0x088e9000

Definition at line 43 of file addressmap.h.


#define QMP_PHY_QSERDES_RX_REG_BASE   0x088e9400

Definition at line 45 of file addressmap.h.


#define QMP_PHY_QSERDES_TX_REG_BASE   0x088e9200

Definition at line 44 of file addressmap.h.


#define QSPI_BASE   0x088DC000

Definition at line 8 of file addressmap.h.


#define QSPI_CLK   GPIO(63)

Definition at line 50 of file addressmap.h.


#define QSPI_CS   GPIO(68)

Definition at line 53 of file addressmap.h.


#define QSPI_DATA_0   GPIO(64)

Definition at line 51 of file addressmap.h.


#define QSPI_DATA_1   GPIO(65)

Definition at line 52 of file addressmap.h.


#define QUP_SERIAL0_BASE   0x00880000

Definition at line 20 of file addressmap.h.


#define QUP_SERIAL10_BASE   0x00A90000

Definition at line 33 of file addressmap.h.


#define QUP_SERIAL11_BASE   0x00A94000

Definition at line 34 of file addressmap.h.


#define QUP_SERIAL1_BASE   0x00884000

Definition at line 21 of file addressmap.h.


#define QUP_SERIAL2_BASE   0x00888000

Definition at line 22 of file addressmap.h.


#define QUP_SERIAL3_BASE   0x0088C000

Definition at line 23 of file addressmap.h.


#define QUP_SERIAL4_BASE   0x00890000

Definition at line 24 of file addressmap.h.


#define QUP_SERIAL5_BASE   0x00894000

Definition at line 25 of file addressmap.h.


#define QUP_SERIAL6_BASE   0x00A80000

Definition at line 29 of file addressmap.h.


#define QUP_SERIAL7_BASE   0x00A84000

Definition at line 30 of file addressmap.h.


#define QUP_SERIAL8_BASE   0x00A88000

Definition at line 31 of file addressmap.h.


#define QUP_SERIAL9_BASE   0x00A8C000

Definition at line 32 of file addressmap.h.


#define QUP_WRAP0_BASE   0x008C0000

Definition at line 26 of file addressmap.h.


#define QUP_WRAP1_BASE   0x00AC0000

Definition at line 35 of file addressmap.h.


#define QUSB_PRIM_PHY_BASE   0x088e3000

Definition at line 41 of file addressmap.h.


#define QUSB_PRIM_PHY_DIG_BASE   0x088e3200

Definition at line 42 of file addressmap.h.


#define SDC1_TLMM_CFG_ADDR   0x03D7A000

Definition at line 60 of file addressmap.h.


#define SDC2_TLMM_CFG_ADDR   0x03D7B000

Definition at line 61 of file addressmap.h.


#define SILVER_PLL_BASE   0x18280000

Definition at line 12 of file addressmap.h.


#define TLMM_NORTH_TILE_BASE   0x03900000

Definition at line 9 of file addressmap.h.


#define TLMM_SOUTH_TILE_BASE   0x03D00000

Definition at line 10 of file addressmap.h.


#define TLMM_WEST_TILE_BASE   0x03500000

Definition at line 11 of file addressmap.h.


#define USB_HOST_DWC3_BASE   0x0a60c100

Definition at line 47 of file addressmap.h.